Tuesday, August 16, 2016


My name is Adonay Avila. I am 22 years old, and  I am majoring in English Teacher at Universidad Don Bosco, El Salvador. This is my fifth year at the university, and I have to say that the road has been long, there has been setbacks but all my effort and dedication has been worthy . I am almost in the end of this long road, a nd I am anxious to see what the future has for me.

I decided to become an English, firstly, because I love English, my first contact with the language was approximately at the age of ten years, when I attended for a year to English courses at Centro Cultural Salvadoreño Americano, from there, the English starts to become part of my life. Secondly, I decided to studying this major, because of my experiences as learner, from this perspective, I saw the lack of importancy that the language has in public schools and in some private institutions. Moreover, I want to make the difference in students life, with this, I mean that I want them to like the English, I want to share with them, everything that I learned since I attended for the very first tme to an English class, that are my goals to achieve as future teacher.

Now that I talked a little bit about me, I want to devoted the rest of my blog to share my experiences in the class "Teaching Practicum II" in this class, the course is devoted to teach English to adolescents that came on Saturdays to the free courses of English that Don Bosco University offers. In the blog I will share with you the experiences of the classes that I will observed and teach in the near future, feel free to comment and enjoy it!.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my college Adonay, I was reading your posts and I really liked, they're very interesting because they are very helpful. Let me congratulate you because all the information you provided us was nice. I agree with you when you talk about teens.
