Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Error Analysis Chart

The error analysis chart really helps me in order to identify what were my mistakes, I have to say, that I feel a little bit embarrassed because I made a really basics mistakes or misspelled a word. However, it is helpful in order to be more awareness about our grammar mistakes.

We are humans, so we make mistakes, but it is good to try to fix them in order to learn about those mistakes. As future teachers, we are going to make a lot of mistakes in our professional life, but it does not mean that we have to be comfortable with that; we need to improve our mistakes, in order to give to our students the best version of us.

(Spot the mistake in the sentence or phrase and highlight the correct and incorrect part)
I wrote….
I must have written…, because
1-specially childs and teenagers
Specially children and teenagers (The plural of the noun “child” is “children” not “childs”
2- I decided to become an English          , firstly, because I love English
I decided to become an English Teacher, firstly because I love English (It is missing the noun “Teacher”)
3- Secondly, I decided to studying this major
Secondly, I decided to study this major (The verb “study”  need to be in the base form because the preceding verb is in past tense)
4- I saw the lack of importancy 
I saw the lack of importance ( “Importance” is the noun “importancy” does not match with the idea)
5- I want to make the difference in     students  life,
I want to make the difference in the students’ life (The article “the” was missing)
6- that are my goals to achieve as future teacher.
Those/These are my goals to achieve as a future teacher ( “those/these” are used for plural. Also, it was missing the article "a")
7- I will observed
I will observe (The verb need to be in base form)
8- I will observed
I will observe (The verb need to be in base form)
9- and try    fit it in
And try to fit it in (It was missing the preposition “to”)
10- the children starts to
The children start to (The “s” is only for third person singular)
11- in the case of boys and boys in the case of girls, etc
In the case of boys, and boys in the case of girls, etc (The comma was missing in order to separate the ideas)
12- A strategy that I can be used as teacher in order to help the students
A strategy that I can use as a teacher in order to help the students (the verb “be” was no needed. It was missing the article “a”)
13- It makes feel comfortable and gives them a feel of confidence about interact with others.
It makes feel comfortable and gives them a feel of confidence about interacting with others.
14- we know that the adolescents no are interest in that topics;
We know that the adolescents no are interested in that topic;
15- children are more concious about some of the changes that occurs in their bodies.
Children are more conscious about some of the changes that occurs in their bodies. (I misspelled the word “conscious”)
16- some of them, are afraid about that changes,
some of them, are afraid of these/those changes, (“those/these” are used for plural. Also, the preposition "of" is more adequate for this sentence)
17- there are cognitive stages that has to deal with the maduration of the brain
there are cognitive stages that have to deal with the maturation of the brain (Misspelling of the word “maturation” and incorrect use of the verb.)
18- Whereas the adolescents, has their own fight against those changes,
Whereas the adolescents has their own fight against those changes (The comma was no necessary because it was separating de subject from the verb)
19- we as teachers deel to it too
We as teacher deal with it too (Misspelling of the word “deal” and incorrect preposition)

1 comment:

  1. Hello Adonay, while reading your blog entry I realized about the emphasis that you made by saying: "As future teachers, we are going to make a lot of mistakes in our professional life, but it does not mean that we have to be comfortable with that; we need to improve our mistakes, in order to give to our students the best version of us." and that is true, we as teachers must be aware about our mistakes and we have to learn from them. By reading your chart I read that you present your mistakes and the explanation on where they were, and we are clear that those are "mistakes" and not "errors" because you have the knowledge about every single thing, you just let them pass, and I think that that is the main purpose of this activity, correct ourself and check which incorrect utterances we might comit, and why we are commiting them. Nice entry colleage.
